The UL Sport division in (2015/16) was reviewed by a peer review panel as part of the Quality Initiative at the University. The Division’s QMS continues to be a work in progress designed to comply with the recommended guidelines as advocated by the University of Limerick Quality Management Systems Framework. The UL quality review process for support departments was designed to satisfy the requirements of the Universities Act 1997 and to assist departments in establishing effective QMS.
The Division is committed to maintaining a high level of quality and strong customer , while striving to continually improve the level and quality of service we provide to our customers. The Division embraces Quality as an integral part of its operations. The guidelines, that have been adopted by the UL Sport Division as the standards that underpin and drive the development of its QMS are:
- Customer Focus
- Leadership
- Engagement of people
- Process Approach
- Continual Improvement
- Evidence-based Decision Making
- Relationship Management
The UL Sport Division welcomes the opportunity to work with the review group. We look forward to receiving the group’s report and to implementing an action plan that will contribute to the Division’s future development.
Quality is a collective staff driven agenda on the UL Sports division’s ethos. The members of the quality team that oversee this are as follows. The quality team meet Bi-weekly currently with a view to extending that to once a month to action the implementation plan.
Mission Statement:
“To become a world-class campus for physical activity, sport, recreation and health”
Quality Statement
QMS Processes:
1. Training and Development
2. Documentation Control
3. Self-Assessment
4. Communications
5. Continual Improvement
UL Sport Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Following a comprehensive review carried out by O’Farrell Consulting the new Policy & Procedure brings all protocol for the safeguarding of children up to date and aligned with current legislation and best practice. See attached our Child Safeguarding Statement poster which will be on display in each area of activity including UL Sport Arena Reception.
The Policy and Procedures document includes our risk assessment. Please note the control measures included and the persons assigned for responsibility. A key development from the last UL Sport Child Safeguarding Policy & Procedure is that we have increased the number of Designated Liaison Persons from two to six. The UL Sport Designated Liaison Persons for UL Sport are:
- Ciara O’Sullivan, UL Sport Aquatics: Lead Designated Liaison Person (DLP)
- Collette Moloney, UL Sport Aquatics: Deputy DLP
- Ger Cunningham, UL Sport Pitches: Deputy DLP
- Jennifer Ann Mullholland, UL Sport Halls: Deputy DLP
- Martin Flood, UL Sport Activity Centre and Climbing Wall: Deputy DLP
- Suzanne Fitzpatrick, UL Sport Reception: Deputy DLP