South Campus Pitches

Our South Campus Pitches (located adjacent to the UL Sport Arena) comprises of our natural grass park also known as ‘The Ten Acres’ and our newest addition of both natural and synthetic grass pitches known as ‘Maguire’s Fields’.
Our Ten Acres comprises of one full size GAA Pitch, 2 full size soccer pitches and one full size rugby pitch. This natural grass park also allows the flexibility of being transformed into a site specific sporting arena to host such events as the Kennedy Cup, Gaynor Cup and Community Games on an annual basis. International events such as the World Tag Rugby Championships are due to be hosted on this facility in the near future.
Our ‘Maguires Fields’ development consists of both synthetic all weather pitches and a natural turf pitch. The synthetic all weather pitches extend to an approximate total area of 35,000m2 and accommodate two (2) full size GAA pitches or four (4) individual full size soccer pitches. The natural turf pitch measures approximately 150m x 100m and can be used by all field sports. This development also includes two (2) state of the art flood lit hurling walls. This facility is primarily for student usage but we pride ourselves in making all our facilities available for public use, so outside of student term, these facilities are now available for booking.